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Shopping center on Borovskoye highway

More opportunities for transit visitors



This complex is being developed as part of a larger project to create a transport hub around the existing "Solnechnaya" station, which serves the Sokolnichesky district located directly beyond the MKAD ring road. In the future, the construction of a new metro station is planned to be located 500 meters from the site. Borovskoye Highway is the main artery crossing the region, leading from the MKAD to Vnukovo Airport, consisting of a six-lane road that is set to be modernized. The shopping center will be located along this highway.


Transportation hub

To meet the functional requirements of the transport hub, we were compelled to include public parking spaces in the project to serve transit passengers. We also worked closely with road designers to ensure convenient vehicle access to the building from the surrounding area, as well as accessible routes for city buses, pedestrians, and cyclists. Two underground crossings are planned across Borcovskoye Highway, both of which will be equipped with passenger and bicycle elevators. One of the crossings provides direct access to the underground parking with bike storage spaces, and then to the shopping gallery.



The layout of the building is simple—a single line of galleries with two atriums at both ends. There are three entrances, one of which leads directly to the second level, facilitating passenger flow from the train station. The main entrance faces the intersection of Borcovskoye Highway and Poputnaya Street, which connects the train station with the surrounding areas. It also opens the building to a park with the "Big Solntsevo Lake" and the Sergiev Orthodox Church, welcoming clients arriving from the center of Moscow.

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